A quick way to fix dark armpits with natural extracts is considered a safe and gentle method for the skin. If any ladies are looking for a way to make their underarms white again quickly, we recommend that you don’t miss it.

1. Recipe for dark armpits: Tomatoes mixed with sugar
Tomatoes have the property of making the skin white and clear, helping to detoxify the skin and reduce inflammation of the pores from plucking armpit hair. Just cut a tomato into halves, mix with sugar, and gently rub it on the armpit until the sugar dissolves and the tomato softens. Then rinse with clean water. This recipe can be done every day. After doing it for a while, you will see that the ยูฟ่าเบท skin under the arms will gradually become noticeably whiter.
2. Recipe for dark armpits : Milk mixed with turmeric Milk
is rich in lactic acid, which helps to make the skin under the arms white and smooth. This recipe is very easy. Just mix 5 tablespoons of milk with 1 tablespoon of turmeric. Mix well and soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it to the armpits. Leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning. When done regularly, the dark armpits of women will return to having white, clear and smooth skin. The inflammation caused by shaving or plucking armpit hair will also gradually ease.
3. Recipe for dark armpits : Lemon mixed with baking soda
Lemon contains AHA fruit acids that help to remove old and damaged cells. Baking soda helps to clean the pores. Make your armpits whiter and smoother. Ladies, just mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Mix them well and rub gently on your armpits for 5 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and apply moisturizer to increase moisture to the skin under your arms. When you do it 2-3 times a week, you will see that your armpits, which were once dark, will gradually become naturally whiter.
4. Recipe for dark armpits: Apple cider vinegar mixed with water.
Apple cider vinegar is full of alpha hydroxy acids and amino acids that help kill bacteria and remove old skin cells that accumulate under the arms. Just mix apple cider vinegar with equal amounts of water and soak a cotton pad in it. Wipe it on your armpits after showering for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Ladies, you can repeat this method every day. You will see that your armpits that were once dark will gradually become white again.
5. Recipe for dark armpits: Yogurt mixed with honey
Did you know that yogurt, full of nutrients that are beneficial to the skin, when mixed with honey can help remove dirt that accumulates in our armpits? Just mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt with 1 tablespoon of honey, apply to your armpits, let it dry, and then rinse with cold water. In addition to your armpits becoming whiter, softer, and smoother, this recipe can also help eliminate underarm odor.
6. Recipe for dark armpits : Sunflower oil
Sunflower oil moisturizes and helps whiten the skin under your arms easily. Just use 3-4 drops of sunflower oil to massage your armpits and leave it for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do this 2-3 times a day, and you will see that the dirt stuck in your armpits will be removed, allowing you to show off your underarms that are whiter and smoother than ever.
. Dark armpit remedy: Rose water mixed with baking soda.
Rose water stimulates blood circulation and helps balance the skin under the arms very well. Just mix 1 tablespoon of rose water with 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Mix well. Apply to the armpit for 5-7 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Do this 2-3 times a week. The armpits that were dark due to dirt will gradually become white, clear, soft and moist without chicken skin.